Why is Bridget one of our all time icons, in style and life? Bridget is/has:
✨ A highly successful journalist.
✨ A sizeable central London flat.
✨ A lovely Dad (and an annoying Mum)
✨ Amazing, loyal and hilarious friendship group.
✨ Being chased by the dashing and handsome Colin Firth and Hugh Grant.
In celebration of our favourite Miss Jones we thought we'd recreate some of her iconic looks with some of our vintage finds.

'Message Mr Cleaver. Am appalled by message. Skirt was demonstrably neither sick nor absent. Appalled by management's blatantly size-it attitude to skirt. Suggest management sick, not skirt.'
The look that was on every poster, every book cover, every advert. A fun and cute look perfect from everything to work in the office to meeting friends for brunch. For this look we've paired a vintage plum mohair cardigan with a vintage grey leather pencil skirt.

'Great, I was wearing a carpet.'
We imagine wearing an actual carpet might be quite irritating but that doesn't mean you can't rock a Turkey Curry Buffet look. With that in mind we've thrown together this vintage striped blouse with a frilly collar paired with a vintage raspberry red pencil skirt, not quite a carpet but we think it looks similar enough!

'I'm going to the law council dinner. It's a very important evening.'
When Bridget turned up at the Law Council Dinner she was late and in a bit of a mess but she was still oozing her fab confidence. A simple yet stunning look for any social occasion. Wiggle into this gorgeous vintage gold sequin dress and channel major Bridget vibes though with perhaps less blush.

'Suddenly feel like screen goddess in manner of Grace Kelly.'
Ah, boating with Daniel 'Fuck me, I love Keats' Cleaver, a casual yet stylish affair. For the screen goddess feel Bridget feels in the film we've put together a stylish vintage nineties dark blue denim jacket with a pair of vintage dusty pink high waisted trousers, a vintage Y2K black faux leather handbag and a pair of cat eye sunglasses. Time to go boating!

And now for the ultimate question - Mark Darcy or Daniel Cleaver?
Stay Safe ❤️ Elise, Team Mouse 🐭